A Tulsa Sister City Since 2000
Celle is located in the state of Lower Saxony and is situated about 35 km northeast of Hanover. With an area population of 230,000, Celle is a charming and ancient city offering great economic and tourism possibilities for Tulsans. Documented in 993 as "Kellu" (settlement by the river), the town was founded some distance away from the river Aller in 1292. This historical city has more than 480 restored half-timbered houses from the 16th and 18th century. The economic base includes minerals, oil, natural gas, water purification, consumer goods, textiles, publishing, cattle, horse breeding, and tourism.
Sandy Dizdar
TGA Sister City Chair for Celle
Christian Bengel
Tulsa City Councilor Honorary Ambassador for Celle
Crista Patrick
Tulsa City Council Chair Ambassador-at-Large
Tulsa Celle partnership chair Sandy Dizdar and three volunteers shared German culture with a group of 25 freshmen at Bixby High School during their two-week enrichment class “Foods around the World.” “Food is always a great way to bring people together!” says Dizdar. “So, we – and our traditional offering of “Coffee and Cake” – were received with much enthusiasm!” Stacie Vernier, lead teacher on this pilot class, hopes to establish it as an ongoing project involving multiple groups of students.
november 2023 student exchange from celle
The first official student exchange in years is happening this fall! Riverfield Country Day School will be welcoming 20 high school students and 2 teachers for 10 days November 1-12. The group will be coming from Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria (KAV) Gymnasium (high school) in Celle. If you're interested in helping financially or logistically, contact Sandy Dizdar at celle@tulsaglobalalliance.org.
The German American Society of Tulsa (GAST) celebrated traditional holidays in December
The 3rd Sunday of Advent - a choir composed of community members from local churches together with GAST members new and old enjoyed delicious homemade traditional cookies after this community celebration.
December 1 - tree lighting before Christkindlmarkt - a traditional Christmas market.
December 11 - all-German Adventsfeier (non-denominational Celebration of Advent)
tulsa octoberfest
Tulsa Oktoberfest’s opening day parade welcomed thousands of revelers! German culture was celebrated for five beautiful October days near downtown Tulsa.
german unity day celebration
On Oct 3, TGA representatives attended the German Unity Day (Tag der Einheit) celebrations at Fassler Hall in Tulsa. Pictured are (l-r) Bob Lieser, Bob Klunder, Connie Swan, Sandy Dizdar and other friends of TGA.
Tag der Deutschen Einheit celebration in berlin
Tag der Deutschen Einheit is an important celebration of the reunion of East and West Germany. Still today, there are stereotypes from the "Wessis“ against the "Ossis“ and the other way around. "Tag der Deutschen Einheit“ aims to overcome old prejudices and promote unity as one nation. The day is often celebrated with music and food stalls from the different German federal states along with political speeches emphasizing the importance of one-nation-thinking.
germanfest 2022
Germanfest 2022 was a great event celebrating delicious food and drink on a gorgeous Tulsa weekend! The German American Society of Tulsa's (GAST) annual event is a volunteer-run celebration held at the GAST center. The Tulsa-Celle Sister City Partnership was thrilled to have some volunteers and guests at the event and look forward to future collaborations!
Cross cultural collaboration with Beihai, China Sister City Partnership Chair Alpha Zhang volunteering at the recent Germanfest.
images of celle
Celle's Annual Winefest
Mix of old and new - sculpture of “Frozen Firework” by Otto Pienes and the tower of St. Marien’s church in Celle.
barbara conrad honored
Barbara Conrad, TGA and Celle Sister City Partnership Member, was honored by the Federal Republic of Germany with the Cross of the Order of Merit for her work in founding the German American Society of Tulsa (GAST) and her support of Tulsa’s Sister City of Celle. Consul General of Germany in Houston presented Barbara with this prestigious award at the German American Society of Tulsa on January 27th.
Examples of past Tulsa - Celle Partnership activities
Numerous educational exchanges over the years including citizen travel, internships, dignitary and business visits and tourism between our two cities. Lots of Tulsans have been to visit Celle, including a local filmmaker who is working at the Celle Town hall now, and lots of Celle citizens have come to Tulsa.
Over the years there have been numerous firefighters who have come to Tulsa from Celle to train and bond with our Tulsa firefighters.
Educational exchanges with both Celle students coming to the Tulsa area and Tulsa area students going to Celle.
Celle Mayor Dr. Jorg Nigge visited Tulsa and meetings with Mayor Bynum, civic leaders, and representatives of the University of Tulsa, Tulsa Public Schools, and the Oklahoma State Department of Education were informative and fruitful. The Celle group also helped celebrate Marshall Brewing Company’s new Tap Room.
Several clergy from Celle have participated in partnership events, and presented Advent Services at the German American Society of Tulsa.
The Tulsa-Celle Partnership has created meet-ups to practice German and regularly-scheduled cultural activities for its members. Please see the Facebook page for meeting updates. https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=celle%20sister%20city%20partnership